Setting The Mood
Setting The Mood
Hey, this is Roberta Eastman from Home Buyers Inventory. Hope you’re really enjoying the content. Leave some comments below. Like our page, share our page with people that you think that this could benefit.
We’re digging into the Big Why a little bit more and there are some suggestions I just wanted to throw out as you’re doing the process, to help you find your big why.
So if you’re asking the five why’s you can find another way to dig down deep to find that why. There are some things I want to kind of just make sure you understand about what I call just setting the mood.
And in reality, that’s just making sure that you’re getting out of the distractions. We often have all kinds of distractions throughout our daily lives. It could be kids, family and work. It could just be working out or it could be the radio or something. If we’re really getting ready to sit down and dedicate you know, 20 minutes to understand where we want to be in home ownership. I think it’s an investment in yourself that is well worth it.
So, when you sit down and do it, make sure it’s right. If you need a glass of water, make sure to get the water before you start. Make sure you’re not doing it hungry.
That’s another big thing. If you could try at least to be honest with yourself: are you really going to be able to peel back some of those layers? Because sometimes, it’s not easy to be vulnerable, even with yourself, so if there is someone and I know this will be asking quite a bit, but if there is someone that you trust that can help you through the process, I would also encourage you to actually have someone do that for you, especially a special someone that can help you get through it.
If you have that someone that would be willing to sit down with you and have this conversation with you, for you to develop your big why, understand your big why, where you’re coming from and why you have that desire in the first place, those are some simple suggestions that I would have for you when you’re sitting down to do your why, you set the mood, you set the tone right.
You can take notes and share your ideas, your fear and your what if’s then this will be the perfect time for you to discover what it is you really want and what will it take you to get to where you want to be.
And it’s gonna help you be more aware of what you want in life, but it also might be what you’re running from, to a degree and sometimes that’s okay.
Again, it’s dependent upon you and what will inspire you to take action. And at the end of the day, that’s the result we want, an inspired action that’s done with daily discipline.
If we can be the person who helps you to develop your big why, then please don’t forget to like our Facebook page, twitter page, Youtube account and to our website to get more of our daily content. Have a Big Why Day everybody!!