10 Steps to Know You’ve Found the Right House
Are you a First time Home Buyer who wonders how they will know when they have found the perfect home. It is normal to be excited about your decision when you’re looking at a house.
Have You Found the perfect house for you?
Here are 10 steps to Know You’ve Found the Right House
1. Wanting to go inside the house
If you feel butterflies in your stomach once you see the perfect house then you found your home. Some people feel it in their gut. Having the feeling of wanting to go inside the house instantly is one way you know you’ve found your home..
2. The House Embraces You the Moment You Enter
Within three seconds of entering the house, you will know whether it feels warm and comforting. Does it seem to speak to you? Does the house invite you to explore? Does it feel, well… Right? Like home? Then it probably is.
3. You Don’t Feel uneasy in the Bathroom
Sometimes buyers feel so uncomfortable near a bathroom that they won’t walk into the room. If you can walk into the bathroom and feel compelled to open the shower door or stroke the vanity marble, this is your house.
4. You Are Possessive About the House
If you instantly fall in love with a house it does not matter if there are some flaws. As long as you believe that you can live with it or you can fix it, then its fine.
5. The House Fits Your Basic Needs
If this house fits your basic needs then you have your home. Some people have specific basic needs when it comes to a house. A small family a 3 bedroom maybe perfect. For a big family a 5 bedroom would be great. No matter what your basic needs are in a home if a certain house offers it all, then you will want to grab it instantly.
6. You Can See Yourself Painting a Wall Your Favorite Color
If you are thinking of what color may fit in a certain area or the whole area of the house then you are sure that this will be your home.
7. You Begin to Envision the Furniture Arrangement
If you walk into the master bedroom and can immediately envision your bed against a particular wall, this might be your house. If you find yourself thinking that the living room window is a perfect spot to put a Christmas tree you’re already to move in.
8. You Want to Stop Looking at Other Homes
All of the other homes you’ve been looking at no longer appeal to you. The homes on that list you’ve been carrying around seem insignificant. Moreover, the homes you had previously rated a №8 have now fallen to a №2 rating. The homes you have seen pale in comparison. You would feel like a traitor to this home if you went to visit other homes. This is it. I’m telling you.
9. You Can’t Wait to Brag About This House to Your Friends
It would not be unusual for you to snap a few photos to upload to Instagram before you’ve finished touring the home. You feel excited. The excitement seems to manifest itself. You shoot more photographs. Suddenly your phone is in burst mode, and before you realize it, you have hundreds of photos.
10. Every Thought in Your Mind Tells You to Buy That House
You are consumed. You can’t think about anything else apart from owning this house. Dinner? Who needs to eat? You need this house. You wonder if you should be committed or see a doctor. Yup, this is your house. Just do it!
Overall, whatever you need in a house, we are pleased to offer you different varieties of a home to choose You can apply these 10 steps to know if you’ve found the perfect house for you.